En Français cette fois !
Sleon une édtue de l’Uvinertisé de Cmabrigde, l’odrre des ltteers dnas un mtos n’a pas d’ipmrotncae, la suele coshe ipmrotnate est que la pmeirère et la drenèire soitplus
Sleon une édtue de l’Uvinertisé de Cmabrigde, l’odrre des ltteers dnas un mtos n’a pas d’ipmrotncae, la suele coshe ipmrotnate est que la pmeirère et la drenèire soitplus
Here are few images from Dune II movie : Soon few others…and in another way of viewing….. By the way, for more information on the 7th Book of Frank Herbert : Click hereplus
Funny thing found on Belgique Mobile Forum : < < Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be aplus
I found those two free novels on the site of the Frank Herbert son…Brian Herbert who wrote the « Prelude to Dune » Trilogy : Whipping Mek Hunting Harkonnens Here is the rich and complex world that Frank Herbert created in his classic series, in the time leading up to the momentousplus
I am attending a 4 days training on Portal Infranet Wireless Pricing and Rating (Version 6.5). So this means : no time for me… no time for this blog ! 🙁 At the beginning I should have attending this training in England. I managed to have it in Belgium… 🙂plus
Frank Herbert’s Dune series is one of the grandest epics in the annals of imaginative literature. Selling millions of copies worldwide, it is science fiction’s answer to The Lord of the Rings, a brilliantly imaginative epic of high adventure, unforgettable characters, and immense scope. Ace/Berkley has reissued the original DUNEplus
The answer is easy ! Cline for Jacqueline, my wife and IDaho for Duncan Idaho from Dune (Frank Herbert). I am a fan of Frank Herbert and his saga « Dune » ! Introduction to the Dune saga : A beginning is a very delicate time. Know then that it was theplus
Finally, I just take few minutes to write this small tiny hack of WordPress. In 2 steps you get images associated with your posting. I know it is a quick-and-dirty way of doing it. But at least it works !plus
I have to apologise….I am too busy at work to develop something…..I know it is a pity but that’s life…. 🙁 This weekend, I also have to work. So may be current next week… 🙁 I am still at work for the moment, I have a big issue to fix…Byplus
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