Finally, I just take few minutes to write this small tiny hack of WordPress. In 2 steps you get images associated with your posting.
I know it is a quick-and-dirty way of doing it. But at least it works !
Two things to do :
1. Add in “b2template.functions.php”, the following code :
function the_category_icon() {
$category = get_the_categoryIcon();
$category = apply_filters(‘the_category_icon’, $category);
echo convert_chars($category, ‘html’);
}function get_the_categoryIcon() {
global $post, $tablecategories, $querycount, $cache_categicon, $use_cache, $wpdb;
$cat_ID = $post->post_category;
if ((empty($cache_categories[$cat_ID])) OR (!$use_cache)) {
$cat_name = $wpdb->get_var(“SELECT cat_name FROM $tablecategories WHERE cat_ID = ‘$cat_ID'”);
$cat_icon = $wpdb->get_var(“SELECT cat_icon FROM $tablecategories WHERE cat_ID = ‘$cat_ID'”);
$cache_categicon[$cat_ID][‘name’] = $cat_name;
$cache_categicon[$cat_ID][‘icon’] = $cat_icon;} else {
$cat_name = $cache_categories[$cat_ID][‘name’];
$cat_icon = $cache_categories[$cat_ID][‘icon’];
$cat_name = stripslashes($cat_name);
if (!empty($cat_icon)) {
$cat_icon = “img src='”.$cat_icon.”‘ alt='”.$cat_name.”‘>”; // dont forget to add < before img... ;o) } return($cat_icon); }
2. Alter the table structure of “wp_categories” by adding a field named “cat_icon” (type: tinytext).
Here below a sample of the content of that table :
VALUES (1, ‘News’, ‘’);
INSERT INTOwp_categories
VALUES (2, ‘Photos’, ‘’);
INSERT INTOwp_categories
VALUES (3, ‘Travels’, ‘’);
INSERT INTOwp_categories
VALUES (4, ‘Internet’, ‘’);
INSERT INTOwp_categories
VALUES (5, ‘Unix’, ‘’);
INSERT INTOwp_categories
VALUES (6, ‘PHP’, ‘’);
INSERT INTOwp_categories
VALUES (7, ‘Writing’, ‘’);
INSERT INTOwp_categories
VALUES (8, ‘Troubleshooting’, ‘’);
INSERT INTOwp_categories
VALUES (9, ‘Web Development’, ‘’);
INSERT INTOwp_categories
VALUES (10, ‘Projects’, ‘’);
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