For an external development I needed to be able to display future posts but not all future posts. I started with the future posts plugin of Michael Moncur but it doesn’t fit to what I really needed. The posts to be displayed should have been maximum 20 days in theplus

As you know I had some hard time those last weeks : too much work no enough time ! Well, I assume it is end-of-year related as it is like that every year ! Oops ! I said that it is « end-of-year » period…. Oh ! No ! No gift ?!?!!!plus

I installed the statTraq plugin on 23rd September but I found a small issue with permalink url…The post id was not saved because I am using nice url… Insert the following code just after $browser = statTraqGetBrowser(); (around line 37) in « wp-content/plugins/stattraq.php »….plus

Well, I was helping Peter to use psnGallery2…And I finally found the issue : His Coppermine database name was like « database-coppermine » ! So in the code, to be able to handle several databases (one for WordPress and another for Coppermine), the plugin is using this kind of syntax : selectplus

The new version of the psnGallery2 has been released ! As announced, the new functionnalities are : Display the last uploaded pictures from a specific Coppermine album Display the most viewed pictures from a specific Coppermine album Display the best rated pictures from a specific Coppermine album They are availableplus

If I have time, the psnGallery2 version 1.3.1 will be available for download tonight (GMT+2). It includes few fixes and the 3 new tags described in the previous post. I have also scheduled for a near future to improve the install/upgrade procedure, it will be based on the WordPress install/upgradeplus

Out of a post (eg: in index.php) To display several random pictures from a specific Coppermine album (if -1 : from all albums) : CPGRndPicture($albumid, $count, $nSize,$before,$after, $activelink) Generate tags to display a full album from a specific Coppermine album (if -1 : from all albums)… : CPGAlbum($albumid, $nCols, $nSize,plus

What’s that ? It provides you an « gateway » between your Coppermine Gallery and your WordPress Blog. A lot of functionnalities for your Blog within a post or outside a post ! How to make it work ? The main requirements are to have installed : Coppermine Gallery (minimum 1.1D) installedplus