If I have time, the psnGallery2 version 1.3.1 will be available for download tonight (GMT+2).

It includes few fixes and the 3 new tags described in the previous post.

I have also scheduled for a near future to improve the install/upgrade procedure, it will be based on the WordPress install/upgrade script.

The install functionnalities will be :

  • Create the table « psnGallery » if doesn’t exist and/or update the structure if needed.
  • Look for the Coppermine « config.inc.php » to extract the Coppermine configuration data
  • Create/Update all required « psnGallery2 » parameters

I give no date for this but it could be soon (depending on the free time I will have in the coming days, weeks)

I will keep you posted on the evolution of that script.

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