Pure CSS to display the calendar! No more need of that « table » thing ! .dayword { z-index: 100; position: absolute; width: 20px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; font-family: Arial; font-size: xx-small; font-weight: 900; background: #6495ED; color: Black; } .daynum { z-index: 200; position: absolute; width: 20px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; color:plus

A small little tiny hack very useful if you want to use RSS / RDF news feeding. This work based on the « MagpieRSS » RSS/RDF processor. I just create a small interface for WP. Several functions are already ready : Show all RSS news from the RSS table (only title) :plus

As you saw, I am a little busy for the moment. At work, I am completely overloaded and also at home… At work, I am working on a brand new project, at home, I am working a new Cline Website, on new templates, new designs, …. So normally you shouldplus

This last week I worked on the « Cline » area. It is nearly ready. Soon it will be online. I still have few things to fix and to write. And of course she has to write a lot of documents to have content ! As you know this is the moreplus

After a small delay, the promised hacks are out ! I wrote something very generic in order to be able to fill nearly all requirements ! This hack can handle what you want ! for the usual « Quote of the day », the current « Book », the « Movie », the « link » as Iplus

Sorry but the hacks are not yet ready due to my wonderful week-end, we had to implement a release and that has taken all my ressources (poor little head) 😉 Anyway, those hack will be soon available. This time I prefer to say « I don’t know when » I hate thatplus

I am currently thinking to migrate everything to b2evolution. For multiple reasons, the most important is probably the integrated multiple blogs management ! That will allow me to solve my problem with languages. Futhermore, the code itself looks better in b2evolution. Another very useful functionnality is the « hierarchy » in Categories.plus

Soon, normally before the end of this week, a serie of small hacks will be available. You will have : – b2book: Last book read or currently reading with an image and a comment – b2movie: Last movie seen and a comment on the movie – b2quote: Quote of theplus

This hack provide to the user his/her IP, the country associated with the « hostname » and finally the browser used. Of course this can be used to Monitoring / Statistic purpose… In the « index.php », you have to add : require_once(‘b2whoareyou.php’); To get the country : < ?php echo WAY_country(); ?> Toplus