Soon, normally before the end of this week, a serie of small hacks will be available.

You will have :

b2book: Last book read or currently reading with an image and a comment
b2movie: Last movie seen and a comment on the movie
b2quote: Quote of the day (or better : of the Moment)


2 commentaires

  1. I may already have something for you that I use at my website… In the link manager, I created link categories “Noteworthy books”, “Noteworthy music”, etc., and put the links in that. I write a “noteworthy motor” that will show the most recent ones (default 5 but is user-defineable). Also a page to show everything. If you like, I will put the script up.

  2. I should have also commented I’m interested in seeing your b2quote hack. My older incarnation of the black robes had a random per-visit message, but it was stored in an array in a php file. I thought about hacking out a copy of the “Manage Links” scripts.

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