Due to the domain transfer (from www.idahocline.net to www.idahocline.info) and the layout changes, I still have to integrate all my WordPress add-ons in a page. Normally this week-end, I will add a new section called « WordPress Add-Ons ». On that page, all the previous hacks will be available for download.plus

As announced yesterday on starwars.com ! Finally after..euh…..a long time ! The most requested films for the DVD format will finally become a reality this September as Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox present the eagerly-awaited Star Wars Trilogy for the ultimate home entertainment format. The four-disc collection will beplus

Well, I am trying to improve the quality of the layout of this site. I hope it will be cute and will be ready as soon as this site will really be opened !plus

Due to a incredible number of issues withmy previous webhost, I decided to transfer everything to kronix.net. They have attractive prices and, well, we will see… ;o) So for the coming days, I will focus on the transfer from the previous to the new….plus

I will create a « User Tracking » addon to WordPress. As confirmed by a post : PHP User Tracking, it seems that could interesting to have that functionnality available. So as I already thought about that kind of tools. I gonna integrate the TFS tools and wp-stat from GamerZ. This hackplus

To facilitate the way of downloading my WP Hacks, I added a « block » on the left side of this page. To expand it just click on « WP Hacks »…as for all other blocks ! ;o)plus

Several people ask to have an integration of several « pictures galery » systems in WP. As I already wrote the Coppermine Integration. I will try to integrate few other systems as 4Images gallery and Gallery. The basic functionnalities will be the same as for Coppermine : – Random pictures for anplus

Implementation of the Release 2 of the layout of the site. All « blocks » on the left and on the right are now expandable. Few other internal changes as the integration of TFS WebStatistics and soon the merge with wp-stat… I am still working on the documentation of the WP hacksplus

The upgrade to WordPress 1.0 is done now. As you can see no visible change except the link where the « link category » is no more displayed. The major advantages of this version are : allocate several categories to one post. better admin interfaceplus