I added the well-done plugin of Joel Bennett. It allows to replace text into an image… Very easy to use, very powerfull ! More than probably I will created few new functionnalities….(eg: merge with psnGallery) All titles of all posts are for the moment using that plugin.plus

Issue description: If the <cpg_xxxx> tag is used with only 1 parameter and no separator, nothing is displayed. Discover by: William Spaetzel Final Fix : next release (probably 1.3.0) Workaround: use the tag with parameters (eg: <cpg_gallery>3|2|1</cpg_gallery> instead of <cpg_gallery>3</cpg_gallery>)plus

Well, at first sight both sites are equal… In fact, idahocline.info was created in the hurry due to issue with the webhoster of idahocline.com. But normally, idahocline.info should have been created a little later. In fact, I planned to create another site dedicated to Web Development with everything related. Soplus

Out of a post (eg: in index.php) // Generate tags to display several random pictures from a specific Coppermine album (if -1 : from all albums) function CPGRndPicture($aid=-1, $count =-1, $nSize=1,$before= »,$after= », $activelink=true, $dummy= ») // Generate tags to display a full album from a specific Coppermine album (if -1 : fromplus

Well, I was too fast to deliver the psnGallery2…In the sql, included in the « package ». There is a « ( » too much ! In order to fix the issue. Execute the following sql (eg, from phpMyAdmin) : UPDATE wp_psnGallery SET value = ‘CPGPicture($elems[ 0 ], $elems[ 1 ], $elems[ 2 ],plus

So ! Here we go ! The release of psnGallery 2 (wordpress + Copermine) is out since few days but as you know, the idahocline.com is down for unknow reason without news from the webhoster ! 🙁 So as promised, here is the zip of the plugin Have fun withplus

Well, I know it is always annoying to wait for news…. So here are some… 🙂 The most important addition/change with the release is the fact that all the configuration parameters are now stored in a table in the « wordpress » database (see below to have further information). Here are theplus

According the WordPress Support forum, several requests appeared..about having a way to found out the albumid, the pictureid, etc… So, my answer is : Here is a preview of the Administration page for psnGallery2 plugin. The new psnGallery2 will be out soon. In fact, I am reviewing the way ofplus