I finally integrated the « nicer archives« . Easy, simple, nearly nothing to do to be integrated ! Click here to view it in action or in the Blog menu, select the option « Archives ».plus

I have implemented a new tag in any post… The tag <gallery>AlbumID|Count|Size</gallery> ! This in conjunction with the « psnGallery.php » addon allows you to display within a post « Count » random pictures from the Coppermine Album « AlbumID » in the « Size » (1= small, 2=normal). For example, to get 4 random small pictures fromplus

I worked all the week-end in my house (in the kitchen in fact). Some manual work, « bricolage » as we say in French….But I took few seconds to deliver you few of my modules for WordPress. So now, you are able to download : psnStat which is the TFS addon moduleplus