Here is the draft version of the « how to install » and « how to use » psnGallery module

How to install « psnGallery » module :

1/ Upload on your server the « psnGallery.php » file.
2/ In « my-hacks.php », add the following line :


Notes :
1/ Of course, replace « wp-modules » with the actual location (where you put the « psnGallery.php » file).
2/ Make sure that Coppermine Gallery is correctly installed and working.
3/ Pay attention to the definition of the following parameters in Coppermine and make sure they are correct :


The albums must be located at $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'] .$CONFIG['fullpath']

How to use the module :

Two differents functions exist.

the_Random_picture : Generate XHTML which display random picture(s) from an Coppermine album
the_Album_list : Generate XHTML which display random picture(s) per album within a category ( or categories)

For the parameters of those functions, for the moment, check the code. Or use the sample use in the « New tag gallery in posting »….

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