No ! I am not dead ! I was silent for days (even weeks)…. I was working on a lot of stuffs and I was overloaded ! I finally managed to finish everything this Friday and to conclude : on Friday, my boot harddisk of my personal desktop crashed !plus

Well, at first sight both sites are equal… In fact, was created in the hurry due to issue with the webhoster of But normally, should have been created a little later. In fact, I planned to create another site dedicated to Web Development with everything related. Soplus

I worked all the week-end in my house (in the kitchen in fact). Some manual work, “bricolage” as we say in French….But I took few seconds to deliver you few of my modules for WordPress. So now, you are able to download : psnStat which is the TFS addon moduleplus

I have created a new plugin to TFS, it generates PieCharts for Top x Most used Operating Systems, Browsers and Countries. It is in fact an extension to the psnStat module. Samples of graphical 3D PieChart for TFS Statistic….(figures for those last 7 days) echo TFStatOSPie3D(‘thisweek’,5,1,400,200,true,’idaho_stat’); echo TFStatBrowserPie3D(‘thisweek’,5,1,400,200,true,’idaho_stat’); echo TFStatCountryPie3D(‘thisweek’,5,1,400,200,true,’idaho_stat’);plus