As promised, merry Christmas !

Enjoy ! Don’t forget this is an ALPHA version ! So don’t use it on your production server ! If you do so, don’t blame me !

I did my best to provide an easy-to-run install/upgrade but I only checked few configurations !

Let me know if you have issues ! 🙂

I am still working on EXIF and multimedia stuffs….

Here is the gift :

psnGallery2 v1.4.0 Alpha

33 commentaires

  1. Dear,

    At first glance everything works fine. The setup runs very smoothly. It didn’t to much actual testing yet but everything still works as normal, and the psnGallery admin page works the way I wanted it to work 😉 I’ll let you know more when I have some experience with this new version.

    One little thing though. Maybe I’m mistaken but the link in the “plugins” section of the wp administrative back-end that says “Configure the Coppermine values” should point to /wp-admin/plugins/psnGallery2.php?setup instead of to /plugins/psnGallery2.php?setup.

    You could even include a link to the install/upgrade script here, so that users won’t have to manually enter the script’s address.


  2. When I run the setup, I came across the following message:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/mingfai/www/blog/wp-content/plugins/psnGallery2.php on line 97

    Did I miss out somethinig ?

  3. @Simon: Is your WordPress up and running ? because the line 97 is standard…

    if (!$wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$psnGalleryTable'")) {

    it refers to the “$wpdb” object which is used everywhere in WordPress…

  4. @Sophist: As I wrote the installation/upgrade procedure has to be reviewed…

    What I will had for the “public” 1.4.0 will :

    – once the plugin is installed, automatic redirect to psnCPGAdmin.php
    – automatic add of the option “psnCPGAdmin” in the domain panel.
    – correct/simplify the install/upgrade procedure.

  5. Yes, my WordPress is running….

    This is the first time I install psnGallery. Is there any thing I should change in WordPress.

    There is some problems before:

    I followed the readme stated, and activated the plugin, then I hit the link.., a meesage came out at first:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_settings() in …../wp-content/plugins/psnGallery2.php on line 47

    so I changed the code in psnGallery2.php, i changed “site_url” to the url of my site. I fixed this problem ( I think), then I come across the problem at line 97 which stated above.

    Any advice? Thanks in advance.

  6. I suppose you could automatically add an option to the admin menu, but I’ve noticed that the notation used in “wp-admin/menu.php” changes regularly. That complicates things quite a bit.

    Another thing which is more of a Coppermine issue than a psnGallery one (I already also noticed this in the previous version of psnGallery): after I’ve used the admin tool “delete original size photos”, some of the images I display using psnGallery in WordPress break down, and sometimes the wrong images are displayed instead.

    This is off course because the ‘normal_xxx’ version doesn’t exist anymore, and the “normalised” (400px in my case) version is now stored without this prefix.

    Maybe psnGallery could circumvent this issue by checking if the file ‘normal_xxx’ actually exists if “2”, normal size, is specified as the image size (nSize) for tags like , and if not, use 3 (“fullsize picture”) by default.

  7. Getting the ” Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_settings() in /home/virtual/site303/fst/var/www/html/wp/wp-content/plugins/psnGallery2.php on line 47″ in the psnGallery2.php file. Is there something I am missing here?

    I had an older version working but upgraded to WP 1.3 alpha and here I am trying to get this to work again 🙁

  8. I’m really excited about using this plugin! Unfortunately, I’m having a really goofy error returned when running the install script.

    I enter all the fields:

    MySQL Host : localhost
    MySQL Database Name : tinarene_copp1
    MySQL Username : tinarene_copp1
    MySQL Password : ********
    MySQL Table Prefix : tinarene_copp1

    I get the following returned:

    MySQL Host : localhost
    MySQL Database Name : tinarene_copp1
    MySQL Username : ttnarene_copp1
    MySQL Password : ********
    MySQL Table Prefix : tinarene_copp1

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: ‘ttnarene_copp1@localhost’ (Using password: YES) in /wp-admin/psnCPGInstall.php on line 177.

    Notice that the Username has changed itself to ttnarene_copp1 from tinarene_copp1 in the data returned. How on earth can that happen? Isn’t that crazy????

    I’ve started over and went thru the entire process a few times in IE and Firefox and even had my 8 year old watch what I typed in – just to make sure I wasn’t crazy.

    I’m running 1.3a5. When you get a free moment, if you could let me know what you think this could be – or let me know any other info I could supply for you, I’d be really appreciative 🙂 Thanks!


  9. @dennis: You can just remove that line…It is not used. (but I don’t understand why you have an issue !)

    @Sophist: I have also foreseen to have some more validity check as for example the picture presence or not. So it seems that I am not wrong as you propose what I was thinking to do…. 😉

  10. @Tina: Euh…. As the psnCPGInstall.php is only using a standard “FORM” with “POST” fields, only using pure, standard HTML tags and no JavaScript….Euh….I can’t imagine that the value of a POSTed value is changed by…..miracle !

    May be it is related with the “autocomplete” feature of your browser….?!????

  11. I finally figure out that, when I run the intall php, the table “wp_psnGallery” was added in the database of the coppermine gallery instead of the wordpress’s database. I don’t know if it is what you intend to do it but it is different from the previous version.

  12. i know – it makes absolutely no sense. I turned off the autocomplete and purged the cache. It still did it. I tried it on a pristine installation of 1.3a5 that I use for testing, it still did it. Even tried on a different machine – nada. (you’ll never know how much it pained me to admit defeat and post here). Afterwards, I attempted to install version 1.3.2, but it didn’t jive with WP 1.3a5 until I used the psnCPGAdmin.php from 1.4a1 (the magic quotes call was the problem). This works fine for me so far. 🙂 Very groovy plugin!

  13. Upon redesigning my sitie I found out that WordPress doesn’t output valid XHTML anymure due to this new version of psnGallery.

    To resolve this the line

    default : $module = $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'].'displayimage.php?album=random&pos=-'; break;

    (sorry, wordpad doesn’t show line numbers) should read:

    default : $module = $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'].'displayimage.php?album=random&pos=-'; break;

    It’s an easy mistake to make 🙂

  14. I have psngallery 1.3.1 running on one of my sites ( and I have the random image tag showing on the left, but it seems like the random image is not quite random at all, will it help if I upload to the new version or is there another problem with the script, tag etc.

    any help would be much appriciated.

  15. @Kathy: Well, the random algorithm is the one from Coppermine…I haven’t change it with the new version…..Are you displaying the data from one specific album or is it accross the whole collecton ?

  16. I have specified one of the albums, because I used to get errors when I had all the coppermine albums. I also have movies in coppermine and I would get an error everytime it would try to get one of the movies.

    is there another way to fix this?

  17. oops, I just realized I misspelled the url, its, sorry

  18. thanks for working on this.

    i have the same issue as dennis. line 47 of psnGallery2.php cannot find the “get_settings” function used there. so we can just comment this line out?

  19. hrm i just commented out that line 47, now i’m getting the same error as simon.

    Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/phamm/public_html/wp-content/plugins/psnGallery2.php on line 97

  20. unlike simon, both coppermine and wordpress are installed in the same database. so my “wp_psnGallery” table was definately created in the one and only database.

    so i’m not sure what to do about fixing that “call to a member function on a non-object error”. i just want to get a simple photolog setup, if anyone can recommend me any version of wordpress, cgp and psnGallery2 that works together for certain, i would be very grateful.

  21. hi

    first of all, happy new year!

    second, this plugin what was i looking for !

    i installed correctily, after trying to configure from plugin options of wp, i had this problem

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_settings() in /web/htdocs/ on line 47

    any idea?

    thanks in advance, most of all for sharing the plugin!


  22. don t mind my email, just take the happy new year message! I read my question in the other comments now! sorry!


  23. Hi:

    Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to figure out the “Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object” error. I have tried require_once(‘’); at the top of psnGallery1.php, but that didn’t help. So, I’m stumped. I would love to get this plug-in working. Thanks for all the development time!


  24. is there anybody out there? Still holiday?

    : )

    btw I am running coppermine 132

  25. Hi i just discover psnGallery. Doit on avoir installé coppermine? Ce serait bien d’avoir une procédure d’installation en francais ave la configuration nécessaire.


  26. At line 47 :

    $pluginURL = get_settings('siteurl').'/wp-content/plugins/'.basename(__FILE__);

    Just comment it out ! As I already wrote it few comments above….

  27. @Sophist: You are totally right…except ;o) in fact the issue comes up once the plugin is saved via WordPress….Probably the translation via or the browser or WordPress….

  28. hi, i just commented out that line 47, but now i’m getting the same error as simon.

    Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/phamm/public_html/wp-content/plugins/psnGallery2.php on line 97

    thanks in advance


  29. I am wondering whether this issue is caused by creating the new table required by psnGallery with a wrong prefix. By default wordpress creates tables with the “wp_” prefix. Some installations, like mine, changed the prefix and I found that when I changed the “psnGallery” table to include my prefix, there didn’t seem to be any problems.

    Maybe this is a possible suggestion?

  30. The prefix requested is the prefix defined in Coppermine not in WordPress…

  31. same error as marcello…

    thanks in advance!

  32. I got the line 47 error, deleted it completely (didn’t think to comment it out), and have the same line 97 error that everyone is having.

    96 // check if the psnGallery table exists, in other words, psnGallery installed ?
    97 if (!$wpdb->query(“SHOW TABLES LIKE ‘$psnGalleryTable'”)) {
    98 return false;
    99 }

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