As you probably noticed, several layout changes occured of this page. Few icons, images appeared all around the pages for the post categories, for the menu, …. The layout is still under design… I am still working on. So if you notice few strange things, don’t worry ! I amplus

Easy change of the window size : <a href= »javascript:void(window.resizeTo(width,height)) » title= »Change window size »>800×600</a> 800×600 1024×768 1280×1024 1600×1200plus

A very interesting article on « Easy CSS drop shadows » for images, text, everything ! Yeap ! Very usefull ! Easy CSS drop shadows There is also another article at alistapartplus

As promised, I am currently integrating TFS and WordPress. The phase 1 of my project is now completed ! 🙂 The first phase can be viewed of the menu side. Those functions are based on the wonderfull script TFS and TFS Modules for Mambo. Weekly, daily or Monthly statistics onplus

Today it is a snowy day in Belgium ! Brussels is totally under snow ! The traffic is totally out of control ! Trucks, Cars are just…stuck everywhere. The situation looks like an white inferno ! It took me 4 hours to drive 65km (from home to work) ! Crazyplus

My RSS Aggregator is back online. On the top page of the blog, you can see a small demonstration of my WordPress addon. It is using the « MagPie » technology. The interface with WordPress is very basic for the moment, normally one of my projects is to allow the management ofplus

I added 2 modules to this site. « random pictures » module from the Coppermine Gallery is available. It shows pictures from the galleries « Quote of the day » module is also available Of course, those modules will be available for download very very soon (in few hours)….via the new module « Generic List »plus