I just migrated to WordPress 1.2Alpha (wordpress-2004-03-31). The only issue was the admin password….I had to change it. I am gonna use the categories hierarchy soon.plus

I have created a new plugin to TFS, it generates PieCharts for Top x Most used Operating Systems, Browsers and Countries. It is in fact an extension to the psnStat module. Samples of graphical 3D PieChart for TFS Statistic….(figures for those last 7 days) echo TFStatOSPie3D(‘thisweek’,5,1,400,200,true,’idaho_stat’); echo TFStatBrowserPie3D(‘thisweek’,5,1,400,200,true,’idaho_stat’); echo TFStatCountryPie3D(‘thisweek’,5,1,400,200,true,’idaho_stat’);plus

I added few new photos that I forgot to upload. In DUNE album : and in Cologne Album : If you refresh this window, you will get other pictures from those albums….plus

For the third time, the layout of this site changes ! Now, I added a full CSS dropdown menu (with the hack « whatever:hover » from Peter Nederlof for the Internet Explorer support). I tested the layout on Firefox, IE6… I notice few tiny differences as usual but it is usable onplus

:hover does only work on links (<a> tag) on Internet Explorer ! If you want to implement a « Pure CSS Menus » and for that using <ul> and <li> tags and if you rely on :hover applied to list items, not links, it will perfectly work on non-IE browser ! Ifplus

Due to some limitation in the PNG support for Internet Explorer, I had to convert all my PNG images to GIF….Pfffff ! The PNG image format was designed to be a replacement for the GIF format, due to both copyright and design problems with GIF. However, the latest version ofplus

A new version of the original TFS script has been published yesterday, the changes i have made are : minutediff changed in hourdiff added browser version support added database installation script new bots/browsers and searchengines time calculation is now done in SQL there is a « full version » and « upgrade version »plus