The answer is easy ! Cline for Jacqueline, my wife and IDaho for Duncan Idaho from Dune (Frank Herbert). I am a fan of Frank Herbert and his saga « Dune » ! Introduction to the Dune saga : A beginning is a very delicate time. Know then that it was theplus

Finally, I just take few minutes to write this small tiny hack of WordPress. In 2 steps you get images associated with your posting. I know it is a quick-and-dirty way of doing it. But at least it works !plus

I have to apologise….I am too busy at work to develop something…..I know it is a pity but that’s life…. 🙁 This weekend, I also have to work. So may be current next week… 🙁 I am still at work for the moment, I have a big issue to fix…Byplus

I am new with WordPress, but I think I can put my contribution to the hacks…. I am going to develop a small change in the code of WordPress. Let imagine for each category an associated icon (a kind of what *Nuke calls Topics). This will required an update ofplus

In few days, I have sceduled to port Coppermine Gallery to WordPress. The main issue will be the « frontend ». It is a project so I still not have the full picture of it… I will keep you posted on the evolution of this project….plus

I finally choose WordPress. I tried a lot of Blog tools, I even think to write my own but finally my choice is WordPress. The famous successor of B2. A lot of advantages, not complicated, a lot of users, good support (forum)….plus

All the galleries are back online as promised ! Even more, our last trip in Bretagne is in ! I cleaned a bit the Tunisia gallery. Now they are less photos but I think it is better. Just have a look at or (sometimes, the DNS has problems…

Finally back online ! Not too early ! Anyway…Let’s start with a good news : as you can see we are back ! It is no used to explain during hundreds of lines the « why, what, how » and so on…So just look at the future ! ;o) Be positive !plus