I have created a new plugin to TFS, it generates PieCharts for Top x Most used Operating Systems, Browsers and Countries. It is in fact an extension to the psnStat module. Samples of graphical 3D PieChart for TFS Statistic….(figures for those last 7 days) echo TFStatOSPie3D(‘thisweek’,5,1,400,200,true,’idaho_stat’); echo TFStatBrowserPie3D(‘thisweek’,5,1,400,200,true,’idaho_stat’); echo TFStatCountryPie3D(‘thisweek’,5,1,400,200,true,’idaho_stat’);plus

I added few new photos that I forgot to upload. In DUNE album : and in Cologne Album : If you refresh this window, you will get other pictures from those albums….plus

For the third time, the layout of this site changes ! Now, I added a full CSS dropdown menu (with the hack « whatever:hover » from Peter Nederlof for the Internet Explorer support). I tested the layout on Firefox, IE6… I notice few tiny differences as usual but it is usable onplus

:hover does only work on links (<a> tag) on Internet Explorer ! If you want to implement a « Pure CSS Menus » and for that using <ul> and <li> tags and if you rely on :hover applied to list items, not links, it will perfectly work on non-IE browser ! Ifplus

Due to some limitation in the PNG support for Internet Explorer, I had to convert all my PNG images to GIF….Pfffff ! The PNG image format was designed to be a replacement for the GIF format, due to both copyright and design problems with GIF. However, the latest version ofplus

A new version of the original TFS script has been published yesterday, the changes i have made are : minutediff changed in hourdiff added browser version support added database installation script new bots/browsers and searchengines time calculation is now done in SQL there is a « full version » and « upgrade version »plus

As you probably noticed, several layout changes occured of this page. Few icons, images appeared all around the pages for the post categories, for the menu, …. The layout is still under design… I am still working on. So if you notice few strange things, don’t worry ! I amplus